Fulvio Piccinino

F rom the assionate distiller's craft comes a pair of aged grappas derived from Piedmont's red grape varieties, in the Monferrato region of Italy, mainly from Barbera, Malvasia, and Freisa grapes.
Available types

Barrel 1 - Red grapes
Barrel 434 - Aromatic grapes.

Alcohol content



700 ml bottle






Alcohol: 40 %

Capacity: 70 cl

Grape marc: Barbera, Freisa and Malvasia grapes from wine production of Monferrato

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper stills, working with the old drums system, low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement/Ageing: one year in steel tanks before being released for sale

Visual analysis: perfectly crystalline clear and free from impurities

Organoleptic description: the scents are fresh. The presence of different grape varieties typical of Monferrato, allows to have a kaleidoscope of scents ranging from small red berries, ripe yellow apples to the passion fruit. In the mouth, we have specific references to the red berries and an elegant herbal finish of hay.

Serving temperature and uses: 14-16 °C.  It can be seen as the typical grappa served in the end of the meal . At a lower temperature, for example 8-10°, and in small quantities (2 cl) it can also be used on a change of course during the same meal, especially changing from a course with a high fat-content to another course.


Alcoholic content: 42 %

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Moscato’s grapes in purity, from the typical areas of cultivation (Santo Stefano Belbo e Canelli)

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper stills, working with the old drums system, low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement: one year in steel tanks before the process of aging

Aging: minimum 2 years, for the first period in 700 liters oak barrels and then maturation in 2000 liters barrels

Visual analysis: a golden dress with wonderful reflections

Organoleptic properties: permanence in wooden barrels do not brought to the Moscato’s primary aromas pawing in the glass reminding to the gooseberry and sage. After a few seconds makes his way the herbaceous stamp of the greyhound and in the end an extravagant perfume of geranium leaf. In the taste the vegetal notes of the herb comes back, tamed by sweetness from acacia honey and sweet spices. The taste ends bringing to the memory the varieties of litchis and withered white rose.

Serving temperature and uses: 16- 18 °C. Because of his features and the aromatic profile, it can also be blended in the following cocktail: 4 cl of grappa, a teaspoon of honey, 3 cl of lemon juice and 15 cl of ginger soda.


Alcoholic content: 40 %

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: Barbera, Freisa and Malvasia grapes from wine production of Monferrato

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper stills, working with the old drums system, low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement/Ageing: one year in steel tanks before ageing

Ageing: minimum 2 years, at an early period in 700 liters oak barrels and then the maturation in 2000 liters barrels

Visual analysis: fantastic straw yellow

Organoleptic properties: the grappa offers fragrances of ripe white apples and passion fruit, which blend with the first tertiary notes of wood, that bring sweetness of honey and vanilla. The mouthfeel is silky but remains fresh and easy thanks to the sweetness reminiscent of licorice root and acacia honey. An elegant grappa with an excellent balance between the primary aromas of the marc and the wood of the barrel.

Serving temperature and uses: 16-18 °C. Because of the primary scents are still present it can be used for the preparation of a cocktail, for example 4 cl of grappa blended with 2 cl of mint liqueur of Pancalieri Doragrossa, shaken with ice and served in a cocktail cup with a mint leaf.


Alcoholic content: 42 %

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Malvasia of Castelnuovo don Bosco’s grapes in purity

Distillation: discontinuous steam method in bain marie copper still, working at low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement/Ageing: one year in stainless steel tanks before being released for sale

Visual analysis: crystal clear and pure, almost brilliant

Organoleptic properties: the grappa is complex and elegant, and literally surprises the taster by displacing him with its scents of lavender flowers. Then it returns to its varietal steps pitting freshly picked red rose and small berries, with raspberry and blackberry in evidence. The olfactory taste correspondence leaves you breathless. One by one, the perfumes recognized on the nose are presented. A pleasant note of rosemary flowers that accompany the sip until the end further enriches the varietal touches. Grappa with great persistence, balance and elegance.

Serving temperature and uses: 14-15 °C, to fully appreciate his characteristics of softness. Great for straight drunk. It could be interesting to propose a cocktail in which 4 cl of grappa are blended with 2 cl of raspberries or blackberries liqueur from Morenica Liqueurs, 2 cl of lemon juice and a little bit of soda.



Alcoholic content: 42%

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Barbera’s grapes in purity, from our hills of Monferrato

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper stills, working with the old set system

Refinement/Ageing: one year in stainless steel tanks before being released for sale

Visual analysis: crystal clear

Organoleptic properties: Barbera’s grappa is always typical with intense aromas full of variations made of violet and ripe plum. In tasting, we can find the ripe plum, enriched by a fresh touch of blackberry. Elegant and silky, it does not allow people to perceive the alcoholic content, bringing to the end with floral memories.

Serving temperature and uses: 14-15°C. Because of his aromatic characteristics it could became an excellent ingredient for a cocktail blended with grapefruit soda or in a Milano Torino blended with bitter and vermouth, increasing the grapes fragrance of the last one.


Alcoholic content: 45%

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Nebbiolo grapes in purity make used to produce Barolo wine

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper stillss, working with the old set system

Refinement/Ageing: one year in stainless steel tanks before being released for sale

Visual analysis: crystal clear and pure as spring water

Organoleptic properties: Barolo is a grappa that makes freshness its winning weapons. In fact, the nose clearly reveals its varietal timber with red rose and ripe cherry, and in background the grape marcs and must in fermentation. In the taste, it is silky thanks to the perfect extraction of the aromatic substances from grape marcs. It begins with soft memories of raisins and cherries in alcohol and close with mellow notes of jam. Excellence persistence and balance between the parts.

Serving temperature and uses: 14-15 °C. Because of the calibre of the product, we recommend to drink it straight without any addition or at most with a mint leaf to indulge balsamic memories.


Alcoholic content: 40%

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Barbera grapes in purity, from our Monferrato hills

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper stills, working with the old set system

Refinement/Ageing: one year in stainless steel tanks before ageing

Ageing: minimum 2 years, for the first period in 700 liters oak barrels and then maturation in 2000 liters barrels

Visual analysis: a beautiful golden dress with copper reflections

Organoleptic properties: the Barbera’s varietal notes have been polished by time, from the scents of the ripe cherry now we can find hints of jam accompanied by elegant and sweet tasting notes of dehydrated apricot and root of liquorice. The taste is intriguing with an excellent correspondence taste-olfactory. The liquorice note becomes clearer,  to which is added the oak of a cigar box and the sweet memory of pipe tobacco.

Serving temperature and uses: 18-20 °C. As most of aged grappa it’s difficult and it’s a pity to blend with other ingredients.


Alcoholic content: 45%

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Nebbiolo grapes, that are used to produce Barbaresco

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper stills, working with the old set system, low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement/Ageing: one year in stainless steel tanks before being released for sale

Visual analysis: crystal clear and free from each kind of impurity

Organoleptic properties: typical Nebbiolo grappa that reflects the Barbaresco wine properties. Usually it is less explosive than the cousin that is more famous, but often elegant and discreet. In fact, the scents slowly open themselves in a persuasive and elegant note of ripe cherries overlooking a background of red roses and small ripe red fruits. In the taste, the grappa confirms his properties. Softness and elegance on the palate, with excellent correspondence taste-olfactory. In the end of the taste, the ripe cherries leave space to the blackberry jam and memories of warm hay.

Serving temperature and uses: 14-15 °C, to fully appreciate its softness characteristics. Because of the elegance and the delicate persistence, any type of matching is inconvenient.


Alcoholic content40%

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Moscato grapes in purity, designed to give Moscato d’Asti

Distillation: discontinuous steam method in bain marie copper still, working at low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement/Ageing: one year in steel tanks before ageing

Ageing: minimum 3 years in 700 litres oak barrels

Visual analysis: the colour in the glass is a deep golden colour

Organoleptic properties: the ageing smoothes the primary scents of Moscato enriching them with the sweetness of wildflower honey. The grappa make his voice clear anyway. On the nose, we can find the litchis pulp in syrup, white rose petals and sage flowers. The taste is soft and silky. The wood made grappa richer and more harmonious, smoothing its properties.  On the palate, we can find the herb and warm hay that in the end give way to the sweet memory of cotton candy and nougat.

Serving temperature and uses: 16-18 °C. It could be very interesting the match with a goat robiola from Roccaverano rather than in a cocktail, to enhance softness and primary scents.


Alcoholic content: 45%

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Nebbiolo grapes in purity

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper stills, working with the old set system and low pressure

Refinement/Ageing: one year in stainless steel tanks before ageing

Ageing: minimum 3 years in oak barriques

Visual analysis: The dress is an elegant deep amber colour

Organoleptic properties: while resting in the wood, has developed spicy scents of cinnamon and cloves, liquorice and sweet tobacco. On the final, we begin to sense a pleasant balsamic note, true sign of aged Nebbiolo that we will find to the taste. With time, the small and fresh red fruits evolved and give us memories of jam, which developed to cherries in alcohol. The sign of wood is unobtrusive, also thanks to a breed raw material. The wonderful balance between grape marcs and wood is still in force, and then, after a few seconds of waiting the sweet spices start to take over, becoming the prelude of a menthol note that accompanies the taster until the final sip.

Serving temperature and uses: 16-17 °C. It can be the perfect travel companion of a red fruits or cherry pie.


Alcoholic content: 42%

Content: 50 cl

Grape marc: from Barbera grapes in purity, from our Monferrato hills

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper boilers, working with the old drums system, low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement/Ageing: one year in steel tanks before ageing

Ageing: over than 12 years in 700 litres oak barrels

Visual analysis: the spirit has an inviting deep amber colour with antique colour reflections

Organoleptic properties: the passage in oak batrells has embellished this grappa of a charming scent of wild herbs in which the sweet notes of chamomile stand out and slowly pervade all glass. The scent is persuasive, fine and elegant and it is difficult to leave the glass to proceed with the tasting. The taste, elegant and silky, has an herbal prelude with warm hay and medicinal herbs and then it yields too much softer memories of red fruit jam, dried apricot and pipe tobacco. Long persistence closes with a pleasant note of raisin.

Serving temperature and uses: 20 °C. To drink obviously in purity. It can also be so interesting in a match in a wild boar stew to clear the mouth from his natural fat and aromatch.


Alcoholic content: 42%

Content: 50 cl

Grape marc: from Moscato’s grapes in purity, from the typical areas of cultivation (Santo Stefano Belbo e Canelli)

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper boilers, working with the old drums system, low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement: one year in steel tanks before the process of aging

Aging: over than 12 years in 700 litres oak barrels

Visual analysis: the colour is amber and the liquid is consistent. The grappa slowly goes in the glass with a rotating flow drawing indelible arches that after a few time turn into fine droplets falling down the glass.

Organoleptic properties: the classical olfactory notes of Moscato such as white pulp fruits and white roses evolved in the sweetness of a crème caramel and amaretto. Then we proceed without surprises, indeed many certain. At the bottom of the glass, we can find the acacia honey and dried fruit closing the circle of a big classic. On the taste, grappa reveals the wooden sign with vanilla beans and liquorice notes that make the sip soft and round. The last word is to the raw material and it could not be otherwise, in fact, it closes with a crispy memory of raisin.

Serving temperature and uses: 20 °C. It has to be drunk in purity or on a Piedmonts’ hazelnut cake.


Alcoholic content: 42%

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Barbera grapes in purity

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper boilers, working with the old drums system, low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement: one year in steel tanks before the process of aging

Aging: over than 30 years in 700 litres oak barrels

Visual analysis: the colour is of an elegant amber with walnut reflections. The liquid is dense in the glass, as a sign of his wealth of extractive substances

Organoleptic properties: the nose is incredibly intense and complex and needs a few minutes of waiting to express the best of itself. This grappa has to be breathed wrapping the glass with the palm of the hand. The roasting of the wooden slats emerges with net recognition of dried fruits such as hazelnuts and almond, with a background of oak and cigar box. Then the grappa slowly rattles off the fragrant aroma of the pomace that now evolves in a red fruits jam with blueberry and blackberry in evidence. The final closes with sweet tobacco from pipe and intriguing and enjoyable hint of black pepper. The taste is dense and fulfilling and dominated by tertiary aromas that give softness to the palate. The grappa opens itself with coffee and cocoa bean notes on a very long background of vanilla bean making the experience closer unforgettable.

Serving temperature and uses: 20 °C. You have to sip it definitely in purity reading a good book.


Alcoholic content: 42%

Content: 70 cl

Grape marc: from Moscato’s grapes in purity, from the typical areas of cultivation (Santo Stefano Belbo e Canelli)

Distillation: discontinuous direct steam method in copper boilers, working with the old drums system, low pressure and very slow pace.

Refinement: one year in steel tanks before the process of aging

Aging: over than 30 years in 700 litres oak barrels

Visual analysis: a deep amber dress remind us that we are facing a very important Riserva from Bosso Distillery that has always used wood in a well-considered way. The liquid moves itself slowly and consistently in a glass, giving us flashes of ancient gold.

Organoleptic properties: we have to wait a bit of minutes holding the glass in our hands before take the first sip: grappa has to warm up like a horse before the race but the wait is paid off. The smell that comes out is made of varietal aromas that developed in an unexpected and amusing balsamic note. The last one soon returns to his place leaving room to the classical acacia honey, butter bread and crème caramel. To the taste, full and rich of substances, we find references to nougat with almonds and toasted hazelnuts and to the closure a refreshing memory of sage and thyme: It has a long persistence and a classical closure of raisin.

Serving temperature and uses: 20 °C. It is a grappa that has to be tasted in absolute purity, shared with old friends as a special gift.